Are you tired of the real estate blogs that feel old and unhelpful?

Well, we have got a solution for you: Let’s explore together a various range of blogs and decide later which one fits you better.

And keep in mind: finding the best one may be challenging, but never impossible.

🏠 How We Picked the Best Real Estate Blogs

There are tons of real estate blogs out there, so we needed to make sure to handpick the best ones for you! Here are the factors we've considered before choosing the best real estate blogs:

  • Content Quality: The blogs looked at needed to provide really helpful, insightful info for real estate folks. Not just fluff posts but actual tips, strategies, and data.
  • Expertise: The aim was for sites run by real estate pros, not amateurs. We're talking brokers, agents, investors with proven experience in the field.
  • Consistency: To make the list, a blog had to update regularly like once a week. Staying current is important in real estate so blogs that only posted once a month were ignored.
  • Design: May sound shallow but the site design actually mattered! Good blogs have easy to read layouts, not messy coding. Bonus points for mobile-friendliness too.
  • Community: Engagement shows quality, so the comment sections and social followers were checked out. Top blogs attracted an active real estate community.
  • Specialization: The winning blogs drilled down into specific real estate niches like commercial, luxury homes, first-time buyers, etc. rather than trying to be all things to all people.

🤝 Why You Should Trust Our Recommendations

At Code Supply Co. we really know our business when it comes to blogs. Our company blog delivers quality daily, and is pretty fun to read, you probably noticed!

We also make really good-looking and clean WordPress themes. Thousands of blogs use our templates to build their sites, so they trust our quality. We've been doing blog design for a while now. Our themes help blogs look professional, functional and, of course, attract more readers.

If you were looking for real estate blogs or web design for real estate agents, you can trust us to help. Over the years we've figured all features that make blogs amazing. We know what we're talking about with blog success!

Best Real-Estate Blogs for Agents, Investors, and Brokers

1. National Association of Realtors

National Association of Realtors real estate blog

National Association of Realtors

Established in 1908, the National Association of Realtors, commonly referred to as NAR, isn't just some antiquated institution chilling in the backdrop. Nope! It's an absolute best real estate blog providing standards, educational resources, and, our favorite part, drool-worthy industry updates. How's that for keeping up with the Kardashians, or should we say, realty trends? You can mash up NAR's data with your firm strategies to increase income. That's you harnessing the best of both worlds!

2. 🏅 Our Favorite - Zillow Market Reports

Zillow Market Reports real estate blog

Zillow Market Reports

Real-time data, market trends, and buyer behavior - Zillow Market Reports dives deep. For all my real estate agent bloggers out there, it's like having a crystal ball into what's hot and what's not. For the tech-savvy and newbies alike, Zillow Market Reports is more than just texts and numbers. With user-friendly charts and graphics, it simplifies complex data. Talk about serving knowledge on a silver platter! Incorporate insights from Zillow Market Reports in your pitches and see the difference. Your clients will love that you're up-to-date, and who knows, they might just see you as the top real estate blog guru!

Why is Zillow Market Reports Our Favorite Real Estate Blog?

This is one of the real estate blogs that get a huge variety of housing data on there. Everything from national market reports each month to deep dives on specific metro areas. They've even got custom visualizations to showcase rental and home price changes over time - really cool interactive stuff. Plus since it's coming straight from Zillow, you know it's using their massive rental and sales database behind the scenes. So these reports are based on rock solid data, not just some analyst's opinion.

3. Realty Times

 Realty Times real estate blog

Realty Times

Alright, first things first. What is Realty Times? Think of it as the oracle for all things real estate. Hungry for market analysis? It's got you covered. Thirsty for industry insights? Say no more. And if you’re eager to put those golden nuggets of info to work to increase revenue, this is your playground. One of the charms of Realty Times is its human touch. Beyond the charts and graphs, it dives deep into the human stories shaping the real estate world. This isn't just about property; it's about people. Ever wished for a weather forecast for real estate trends? Realty Times is the top real estate blog that does just that.

4. McKissock

McKissock real estate blog


McKissock offers courses tailored for realtors. From licensing to continuing education, it’s your personal Hogwarts for real estate magic. McKissock's real estate blog ensures you're always in the know, making it one of the best real estate blogs out there. Looking for strategies to earn more money? Their tips and resources come right from the industry's best, ensuring you have the arsenal to boost your earnings. Whether you're searching for the best real estate blog or tools to elevate your realty game, McKissock is one of your go-to real estate agent blogs.

5. Fundrise Education

Fundrise Education real estate blog

Fundrise Education

It's not just about selling homes, it's about understanding the market dynamics. With Fundrise Education, you’re not only grasping the ropes but also discovering methods to earn more. Whether you've just stepped into the world of realty or you're a seasoned vet, there’s something for everyone. It's like a buffet of knowledge. While you're diving deep into their content, don't forget to interact! You might find some golden nuggets in the comment sections, and networking never hurt anyone, right? In a nutshell, if you're on the hunt for that top real estate blog which provides more than just the basics, Fundrise Education might just be one of the the right realtor blogs for you.

6. HomeLight Blog

HomeLight BLog real estate blog

HomeLight BLog

The HomeLight Blog is one of the coolest blogs for real estate agents for tactics and strategies tailored to boost your earnings. Yes, we're talking real, actionable, show-me-the-money kind of insights! Newbie? Professional? Somewhere in between? Wherever you are in your journey, there's a post, a guide, or a tidbit waiting for you. In the ever-growing sea of real estate blogs, HomeLight Blog stands as a lighthouse, guiding you through everything and leading you to safe, successful shores.

7. Housing Wire

Housing Wire real estate blog

Housing Wire

This is a place where trends get unraveled and strategies to increase profits are more than just wishful thinking. It’s Housing Wire, one of the best real estate blogs! Whether you're seeking industry reports, market analytics, or just some fresh perspectives, it's all right there. The real estate realm is forever evolving. Housing Wire ensures you're not just keeping up, but you're leading the charge. They’ve earned their spot among the top real estate blogs, hands down! Engage with their in-depth reports and analysis. Sometimes, the devil (or the jackpot) is in the details.

8. Brownstoner

Brownstoner real estate blog


Situated right at the crossroads of historical charm and modern urban aesthetics, Brownstoner isn't just another real estate blog. It's a celebration of city living! Seeking ways to earn more? Dive into their detailed insights and strategies. Their pointers aren't just textbook regurgitation; they're real-world tested! To wrap this up, if you're craving a mix of the old, the new, and the yet-to-be in the world of urban real estate, Brownstoner is your go-to. It's more than a real estate blog; it's a movement.

9. Bigger Pockets

Bigger Pockets real estate blog

Bigger Pockets

Bigger Pockets isn’t just a real estate blog; it’s a gateway. If you're looking to boost your income, diversify your investments, or jumpstart a real estate career, Bigger Pockets is the best real estate blog for you. This platform is teeming with articles, podcasts, and forums that cater to both novices and the pros. Meet with realtors, investors, and seasoned professionals. Swap stories, share insights, and maybe even find your next collaboration. Isn't it cool?

10. Market Watch - Real Estate

Market Watch - Real Estate real estate blog

Market Watch - Real Estate

While other real estate blogs might offer you fluffy forecasts, Market Watch offers in-depth, rigorous analysis. Think of it as the magnifying glass to your starry sky. You get clear, crisp views of what's happening, right now in this real estate blog. Looking for strategies to increase your earnings? From investment ideas to property flips, the site's got more goodies than a candy store in the Milky Way! In the world of realty, numbers don’t lie. And with Market Watch's infographics and dashboards, numbers also dance, sing, and tell stories. With this stellar platform, you're not just following a top real estate blog; you're charting a course towards knowledge that's truly out of this world!

11. Inman

Inman real estate blog


It’s the epicenter of everything realty. From market trends to innovative digital strategies, it's the hotspot for professionals eager to keep their fingers on the pulse. Who said insightful reading has to be dense and drab? With a tone that’s warm and a dash of humor, Inman turns even the most intricate topics into delightful tidbits. It’s like learning over a cup of coffee with a witty friend. Beyond the usual blog posts, Inman presents tool recommendations that can be game-changers. Gems are scattered across their articles, ripe for the picking in this top real estate blog.

12. Property Industry Eye

Property Industry Eye real estate blog

Property Industry Eye

This is one of the blogs for real estate agents that serves as the heartbeat for anyone wanting property trends, digital advancements, and marketing insights. Who knew industry updates could come with a sprinkle of fun? With its engaging tone and slight nudge of humor, Property Industry Eye transforms complex realty topics into casual coffee chat pieces. New to the real estate scene or scratching your head over IT in the property market? This platform has tutorials that break down the nitty-gritty, offering easy insights.Ever wondered about the perfect tool or strategy to increase income in the property world? Property Industry Eye does more than just talk. They introduce tools and tricks that could elevate the game for realtors.

13. RISMedia

RISMedia real estate blog


RISMedia isn't a mere footnote in the anthology of real estate blogs. This is one of the blogs for real estate agents that reveals industry insights, innovations, and inspiration. Their articles that not only educate but also illuminate the essence of modern realty. RISMedia crafts a blend of expert wisdom and fresh takes on realty finance. In addition to news, there are sections for learning and training. They have content to help you study for your real estate license exam or get continuing education credits. There are designations you can earn too, like for luxury homes.

14. The Redfin Blog

The Redfin Blog real estate blog

The Redfin Blog

This real estate blog covers all sorts of topics related to real estate. It's a great place to find articles on buying homes, selling homes, renting properties, home improvement projects, and other housing related stuff. You'll see posts about the latest trends in the housing market, like what's happening with mortgage rates, home prices, and inventory levels. They also give tips for both home buyers and sellers - things like how to stage your place, negotiate offers, or prep your house for an open house. There's also tons of neighborhood profiles where they talk about what it's like to live in certain cities.

15. The Tom Ferry Blog

The Tom Ferry Blog real estate blog

The Tom Ferry Blog

Tom Ferry is a big name in the industry known for his coaching programs, so this blog gives insights straight from the top producer himself. There articles on everything related to being successful in real estate. Things like lead generation ideas, scripts for common situations, time management techniques, goal setting advice, and ways to improve sales skills. There's also posts about marketing tactics both online and offline. In addition to practical strategies, the blog shares motivational mindset content, so this is definitely one of the insightful blogs for real estate agents.

16. The New York Times – Real Estate

The New York Times – Real Estate real estate blog

The New York Times – Real Estate

What sets this platform apart? It's not just brick-by-brick tales of properties, but a holistic viewpoint. From IT integrations in modern homes to using social media for listings, The NYT Real Estate fuses tradition with trend. There's a sweet blend of classic tales from brownstones and the ultramodern digital marketing techniques that can be applied to them. Heard of drone property tours? They've got that covered too! From the tech-savvy newbie looking to dive into digital realty tools, to the real estate mogul searching for the next big digital trend, there's a floor for everyone because this is one of the most ultimate realtor blogs.

17. LabCoat Agents

LabCoat Agents real estate blog

LabCoat Agents

There's always new articles about business management too, like how to build your team, recruit agents, use CRM software, and set goals. You can even read interviews with top producers getting their expert advice. If you want to improve in areas like mindset, work-life balance, or just stay on top of industry news, they've got that covered too. The nice part id this real estate blog is everything is written in a simple, easy-to-understand way. It's not too basic but also not super technical. Perfect for both new and experienced agents.

18. 🏅 Our Favorite - Forbes - Real Estate

Forbes - Real Estate real etsate blog

Forbes - Real Estate

This blog on the Forbes website focuses on all things related to real estate. It's a great place to find articles on the housing market, property trends, and the industry in general. You'll see posts about hot housing markets, what kinds of homes are in high demand, and predictions for the upcoming year. They report on new developments, luxury listings, and interesting properties that recently sold too.

Why is Forbes - Real Estate Our Favorite Real Estate Blog?

There's content on lifestyle topics like home renovations, interior design trends, and tools/tech that can help with your house. And they touch on issues related to owning a home like affordability, taxes, finance tips, and investing. If you want to stay up-to-date on real estate news, this blog is super helpful. The articles are written so anyone can understand - no super technical jargon. So if you like casual real estate blogs just like us, this is the right option for you.

19. The Business Journals - Residential Real Estate News

The Business Journals - Residential Real Estate News real estate blog

The Business Journals - Residential Real Estate News

This real estate blog focuses specifically on residential real estate - things like single family homes, condos, townhouses, that type of stuff. It's part of the Bizjournals site, which reports on business and industry. You'll find articles about what's happening in the housing market locally for different cities across the U.S. They report on trends like prices, inventory levels, how certain areas are performing. There are also stories about new residential developments being built, like complexes of homes or apartments. And profiles on real estate companies in the area.

20. The Close

The Close real estate blog

The Close

In the bustling world of real estate blogs, there's one that truly stands out: The Close. It's a treasure chest of tutorials, tool recommendations, and insightful step-by-step guides designed to keep realtors at the top of their game. It's like having a mentor, but in digital form. The Close isn't just informative—it's uplifting. Every article, every guide, aims to motivate, inspire, and build a connection. Dive in and feel that boost of confidence with every read! Embarking on the digital realty journey? This website is definitely among best real estate blogs out there.

21. real etstae blog

This blog is filled with all sorts of helpful articles and guides for real estate agents. It's a one-stop shop for learning marketing strategies, finding industry insights, and getting success stories from other agents. You can browse articles about things like lead generation, social media, branding your business, running SEO campaigns, and more. They break things down step-by-step so it's not too confusing. There's also infographics, videos, ebooks and other downloads that make the info super digestible. Probably one of the best realtor blogs.

22. Real Wealth

Real Wealth real estate blog

Real Wealth

This blog is super helpful for learning about all things related to real estate investing. It's basically a one-stop shop for everything you need to know. You can find lots of articles on different investing strategies, current market trends, how to analyze deals, property management tips, tax advice, and more. They make complex topics easy to understand. They also have tons of podcasts and videos so you can listen/watch on the go. It's a really convenient way to gain knowledge. Plus they connect you with actual investment properties. There are not many real estate agent blogs like this!

23. REtripster

REtripster real estate blog


This real estate blog has all sorts of sweet articles on real estate investing. Whether you're totally new or a seasoned pro, you're sure to learn something or get some fresh ideas. They've got super helpful how-to guides on stuff like getting started, finding deals, creative financing options, using cool tech tools - basically anything you need to know to be successful. And the articles break things down simply so it's no sweat to understand. There's also killer case studies where investors share their actual deals so you can see how it all plays out in real life.

24. Houzz

 Houzz real estate blog


This best real estate blog blog is chock full of sweet design inspiration and handy advice for any home project you got cooking up. Whether you're planning a full gut reno or just sprucing up a room, Houzz has you covered. They have tons of galleries with photos of real people's killer kitchen makeovers, schmancy bathroom re-dos, decked out living rooms - you name it. Browse for hours getting warmed up ideas. There's also blog posts on popular topics like the latest kitchen trends, cool lighting choices, sweet outdoor oases.

25. Jason Fox Blog

Jason Fox Blog real estate blog

Jason Fox Blog

Jason has all sorts of sweet marketing tips and tricks for real estate pros like yourselves. Whether you're just starting out or a total boss, you'll learn some new stuff. He posts regularly about different things you can do to drum up more leads and sell more homes. From social media strategies to email campaigns to website optimizations. Dude knows his online marketing. There's also cool case studies where agents share what really worked for them, like new listing promos or social ads. This is one of the rare real estate agent blogs with personal touch!

26. Multi-Housing News

Multi Housing News real estate blog

Multi Housing News

This top real estate blog has all the juicy deets on the apartment rental biz. Whether you own buildings, manage properties or are looking to invest - there's tons of useful info here. They cover everything from the latest development projects popping up around the country, to financing deals, design trends, new building technologies - you name it! There's always fresh articles about what's happening in different apartment sectors like luxury units, student housing, affordable complexes and more. Get the inside scoop on major markets too.

27. Eye on Housing

Eye on Housing real estate blog

Eye on Housing

These guys are all about keeping an eye on the latest housing market news and trends. It's run by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) so you know it's a reliable source. They regularly post articles about stuff like mortgage rates, home building stats, the costs of materials, economic reports - all the important housing market info. This is probably one of the best blogs for real estate agents written in a straightforward way so even non-econ peeps can understand what's going on. They explain how different factors impact things like home prices and construction.

28. Sotheby’s International: Extraordinary Living Blog

Sotheby’s International: Extraordinary Living Blog real estate blog

Sotheby’s International: Extraordinary Living Blog

If you were looking for realtor blogs about luxury homes and high-end real estate, you found it. They cover really amazing, expensive properties around the world. You'll find articles about the latest multi-million dollar listings, like waterfront mansions or historic estates. Lots of cool pictures too. They also share info on design trends, art scenes, new developments - anything fancy related to real estate. Great for getting inspiration, too! There's regular video tours of epic properties too. Like you're literally looking around massive homes.

29. Trulia Blog

Trulia Blog real estate blog

Trulia Blog

This is one of the real estate blogs that helps people find the perfect spot to call home. Whether you're looking to buy, rent, or just daydream about real estate. They post lots of casual, easy-to-read articles on topics like neighborhood guides, home buying tips, first-time owner stories - that kinda thing. There's also dive-ins to different cities across the US, highlighting affordable areas you might not have considered before. Handy for inspiration! They do fun roundups too, like the most popular listings each month so you can peek at what others are loving.

30. Keeping Current Matters

 Keeping Current Matters real estate blog

Keeping Current Matters

This is one of the blogs for real estate agents focused on helping stay on top of the latest industry trends and info. They regularly post articles about stuff like housing forecasts, buyers/seller tips, financing trends, anything. It's written in a casual, easy to digest way so agents can quickly get up to speed without boring jargon. They also feature lots of fun visuals like charts and infographics if you prefer visual content over walls of text. Super handy for social sharing too. There's always practical agent resources on marketing, using tech tools, lead gen ideas and more. Really useful for growing your business.

31. CNBC - Real Estate News

 CNBC - Real Estate News real estate blog

CNBC - Real Estate News

They post articles on things like mortgage rates, housing forecasts, construction updates, investment deals - basically anything related to residential or commercial real estate. Helpful whether you're a total newbie or an industry pro. There's also lots of cool visual content like charts, graphs, maps and even real estate porn with property listings and tours in this top real estate blog. You'll find info on markets worldwide too from China to Germany to Vietnam. Gives a good global perspective.

32. Apartment List Blog

Apartment List Blog real estate blog

Apartment List Blog

One of the perfect real estate blogs that is super useful for any renters out there! They post all sorts of articles with helpful info on stuff like finding your perfect apartment, budgeting as a renter, how to apply and get approved, and general renting guides. You'll also see regular posts diving into different cities across the US, highlighting up-and-coming areas and most affordable neighborhoods. Great for rental inspo. Beyond that, they share tips for things like decorating your place, living with roommates or pets, and apartment living hacks.

33. Geek Estate

Geek Estate real estate blog

Geek Estate

This blog is focused on all things related to real estate tech and innovation. They call it the intersection of "proptech, propels, and the broader built world". You'll see articles on the latest startups and projects shaking things up with new tech in real estate. Things like AI tools, data analytics, blockchain applications, all that good stuff. They also share news about industry events, conferences, jobs - helpful for folks working in or entering the real estate tech space. This real estate blog isn't too technical - it's written casually so everyone can understand even if you're not a hardcore coder.

34. RENTCafé

RENTCafé real estate blog


If you were looking for best real estate blogs, we handpicked it for you. This blog is super useful for anyone involved in rental properties - whether you own units, manage a building, or work in multifamily. They regularly post articles on topics important to folks in the rental space. Things like property management tricks, effective marketing tactics, keeping residents happy, upcoming industry trends. A lot of the content dives into useful case studies, data analysis and insights too for a more in-depth look at what's really going on.

35. Commercial Property Executive

Commercial Property Executive real estate blog

Commercial Property Executive

This is definitely the best real estate blog that covers all the latest news and updates happening in the commercial real estate world. They report on trends for different property types like office, industrial, retail, medical offices and more. The articles explore topics like new development projects, property sales and acquisitions, financing deals, leasing activity - anything important going on in CRE. It's a great place to discover what's shaking up in different urban markets across the US too from major coastal cities to the Sunbelt.

36. Norada Real Estate Investments Blog

Norada Real Estate Investments Blog real estate blog

Norada Real Estate Investments Blog

We were looking for real estate blogs focused on sharing helpful info, news, tips and resources for real estate investors, and found it! It's a great place for anyone interested in learning more about investing in property. They post articles on topics like different investment strategies, market analysis, deal analysis, property types to consider, taxes and legal issues, and more. Really covers everything an investor needs to know. They also feature some educational real estate book reviews which is kinda cool. And look out for their housing market predictions - always fascinating to see what's forecasted.

37. Dirt - Celebrity Homes

Dirt - Celebrity Homes real estate blog

Dirt - Celebrity Homes

This is one of the best real estate blogs that has some gossip to tell! This blog shares all the insider scoop and juicy details about the lavish homes and properties owned by famous celebrities. They post articles featuring houses owned by all types of big name stars - actors, musicians, athletes, influencers, you name it. Really dives into the fancy features and specs too. It's super interesting to see where the rich and famous live and get a peek inside their ultra lux pads. Some insane mansions! Feels like you're getting the gossip from a friend.

38. Elliman Insider

Elliman Insider real estate blog

Elliman Insider

They share both local neighborhood insights for places like NYC, Hamptons, Miami as well as national industry news. Perfect for keeping your finger on the pulse. You'll find articles about high-end listings, new developments, cool agent spotlights, design trends - really anything fancier-than-fancy real estate. The writing is conversational so it's easy to breeze through and pick up useful intel. Not too technical. It's the best real estate blog if you're in the luxury realty scene or just enjoy learning about that lush lifestyle.

39. Maximum Exposure Real Estate

Maximum Exposure Real Estate real estate blog

Maximum Exposure Real Estate

Bill covers topics that are useful for both homeowners and buyers - things like tips for selling your home, what to expect in the buying process, market updates, and more. There's always new posts so you can learn something new every time you check in, so it's one of the real estate agent blogs out there. And the language is casual so it's easy to digest. If you want insider info on areas around Boston like Framingham, Medway or even small towns like Upton, he features those places too. It's a great one-stop resource whether you're a first time buyer, seller, investor or just nosey about the local property scene.

40. Brick Underground

Brick Underground real estate blog

Brick Underground

This blog is all about real estate and city living in NYC. They cover everything from finding an apartment to buy or rent, tips for renovating your place, cool neighborhood spots and building drama you won't believe. The articles are super digestible too - no need to be an expert, just wanna learn about property or get neighborhood intel? They got you. It's also got funny true stories of issues renters/owners face like crazy neighbors or apartments falling apart. So if you were looking for very entertaining read, this is probably one of the realtor blogs to check out.

41. Chicago Agent Magazine

Chicago Agent Magazine real estate blog

Chicago Agent Magazine

This top real estate blog is all about Chicago real estate - it's the go-to source for realtors and other industry pros in the area. You'll find the latest local market updates and trends, plus news about what top brokers and agents are up to. There's also fun features like highlighting cool listings of the week or spotlighting people making moves in their careers. They have tons of resources too - guides on best practices, data on sales and prices, archives of past articles. It's presented in an easygoing way so it's not too stuffy.

42. Fortune Builders Blog

Fortune Builders Blog real etstae blog

Fortune Builders Blog

You'll get posts on all sorts of topics - finding deals, financing property, managing rentals, market trends and more. It's aimed at both beginners looking to learn the basics and also more seasoned investors trying to grow their portfolio. The articles are written in an easygoing style so they're not too heavy or technical. Even complex topics are broken down simply. They also have categories so you can dig into specific areas like investment strategies, the business side of things, or markets across the country. One of the most insightful real estate blogs out there!

43. Agent Advice Blog

Agent Advice Blog real estate blog

Agent Advice Blog

This is one of the realtor blogs that is packed with helpful articles and guides for realtors at any stage. Whether you're just starting out or a veteran, there's stuff here for you. They cover topics like getting your license, picking a brokerage, real estate software, lead generation strategies and more. There's also categories so you can dive into specific areas like luxury homes, marketing tips, tech tools and the latest industry trends. Whether you need exam prep advice, license reciprocity guides or brokerage reviews, there's a high chance they've got a post on it.

44. Kyle Handy Blog

Kyle Handy Blog real estate blog

Kyle Handy Blog

Kyle is a top agent who wants to help others succeed too. You'll find all sorts of useful posts on topics like lead generation, marketing tips, brokerages, tech tools and sales strategies. The articles are written in a friendly, straightforward style so the info is easy to digest. Even complex topics are explained simply. There's also guides for specific things like becoming a luxury agent, using social media effectively and IDX rules. So, this is one of the blogs for real estate agents you need to follow.

45. Realty Biz News

Realty Biz News real estate blog

Realty Biz News

This site is among the real estate blogs that cover all things related to real estate - from marketing and tech to investing tips and industry trends. You'll find articles on topics like social media strategies, new apps, market forecasts and more. They also share news announcements from major brands. The posts are written in an easy to read, conversational style. Even technical topics are explained simply so everyone can understand. If you work in realty, there's lots of practical resources here. They've also got guest contributors so you get different expert perspectives.

46. Afford Anything

Afford Anything real estate blog

Afford Anything

If you were looking for the most insightful real estate blogs, this is the one! They cover topics like real estate investing, starting an online business, traveling the world and more. Really inspiring stuff. The blog posts, podcast and online courses are presented in a very approachable, no-nonsense style. Nothing too technical. Whether you want to retire early, gain passive income streams or just break free from the typical 9-5, they've got tons of practical strategies. It's a great place to learn real-world tricks from others who've already done things like quit their job, buy rental properties and so on.

47. Gokce Capital

Gokce Capital real estate blog

Gokce Capital

This is one of the real estate blogs that covers all sorts of useful topics for landowners and investors. Things like soil health, revegetation techniques, construction contracts and more. The articles are written in an easy to understand, straightforward style. Technical terms are simply explained so it's approachable for all. Whether you need info on mining claims, polyculture farming or probate issues when dealing with multiple states, they've likely covered it. It's really practical insider knowledge on land-related subjects. Even complex topics are made digestible.

48. The Mashvisor Blog

The Mashvisor Blog real estate blog

The Mashvisor Blog

This site is all about teaching people how to succeed in real estate investing. Their blog has tons of posts on topics like finding profitable properties, managing rentals, analyzing deals and more. The articles are written in a very approachable, easy to understand style. Even technical stuff is dumbed down simply. Whether you're interested in residential, Airbnb, land, commercial, there's guides for all types of investing ideas. It's a great one-stop resource for learning the ins and outs from sourcing to ownership to exit strategies.

49. Blog Blog real estate blog Blog

You'll find articles on popular topics like the latest housing market trends, remodeling tips, and finance guides. The posts are written in an easy to understand, conversational style so it's very approachable. Whether you're a first time buyer looking for advice or a longtime homeowner, there's useful info here for everyone. It's a great one-stop source to learn insider real estate knowledge from pros. The team does a nice job mixing in fun pieces too, like top home features buyers want. If you are looking for entertaining read whether casually browsing topics or digging deep on a subject, this is probably one of the real estate agent blogs for you.

50. The Mortgage Reports

The Mortgage Reports real estate blog

The Mortgage Reports

This is definitely a great pick among real estate blogs. This blog breaks down all things home loans and real estate in a super helpful way. Their guides walk through important topics step-by-step so it's easy to follow along. Whether you're looking to buy, refi, invest or just learn more - they've got you covered. Articles are written simply so even financial newbies can understand. Nice mix of text and visuals too. Covers everything from finding rates to closing costs to owning a home long-term. Really informative one-stop resource whatever stage you're at. Fun browsing casually too.

51. The InvestFourMore Blog

The InvestFourMore Blog real estate blog

The InvestFourMore Blog

This is also one of the real estate blogs that is all about tips and strategies for real estate investing success. Their blog has super helpful posts on topics like buying rentals, flipping houses, finding deals and more. The articles are written in an easy to follow, conversational style so anyone can understand. Whether just starting out or a pro, there's useful info on all aspects of the business. They also share personal investing stories which is cool to read. It's a great one-stop resource to learn from a true expert in the field.

52. Coach Carson

Coach Carson real estate blog

Coach Carson

This site is all about helping folks learn, grow and succeed with real estate investing. The blog has super useful posts on finding deals, financing properties, managing rentals - basically all aspects of the business. The articles are written in a friendly, easy to understand style so anyone can benefit. Whether you're totally new or an experienced investor, there's always tips to learn. On top of articles, the blog shares podcast episodes with inspiring guest stories.

53. The College Investor

The College Investor real estate blog

The College Investor

This site is among most insightful real estate blogs because it's all about helping college students and recent grads navigate important financial topics. You'll find super useful articles on paying for college, managing student loans, building credit, investing and more. The posts are written in an easy-going style that makes complex stuff feel approachable. Whether you're starting school, in the middle of it or just graduated, there's always advice to learn. They also cover cool stuff like side hustles to make extra cash while enrolled. It's an awesome one-stop spot for any money questions related to education.

54. Dough Roller

Dough Roller real estate blog

Dough Roller

You'll find super helpful articles on things like saving money, getting loans, paying off debt, growing wealth and the tools to do it. The posts are written in an easy to understand, down to earth style. Whether you're just starting out or want to amp up your financial game, there's always knowledge to gain. They cover stuff from the best bank accounts to investing options to apps that can help. It's a really cool one-stop spot for any money questions or goals. The team clearly knows their stuff on all things banking, borrowing and budgeting.

55. CommercialCafe

CommercialCafe real estate blog


This site focuses on commercial real estate - things like office buildings, retail space, warehouses, hotels and more. You'll find helpful articles on industry news, market reports, and specific deals that are happening. The posts are written in an easy-going style so it's not too technical for folks just getting into CRE. Whether you're just learning or a pro, there's always fresh info on different property types and cities. They cover major real estate hubs like NYC, LA, Chicago plus trends in coworking and other hot topics. Definitely one of the real estate blogs to follow!

Wrap Up

Now, when we have discussed all the 55 real estate blogs it appears that the realm of real estate is continually in the process of evolution and adaptation.

These blogs are the start of your journey. Make sure you are dividing the pros and cons of each of them. Choose the one which most fits you and your needs.

Good luck on your challenging, but interesting journey.