Writing blog posts can be quite frustrating, especially if you’re just starting. It can be even more challenging if it takes you more time to complete one blog post.

But with the right strategies and guidance, you’ll be able to write multiple high-quality blog posts faster.

This article will introduce you to 22 incredible tactics to speed up your writing and produce several blockbuster articles.

So, keep on reading to discover those writing secrets.

1. Start by Creating a Content Calendar

As a blogger, you’re in charge of everything – from generating topics, writing to marketing, editing, and more. And this, in turn, can slow down your blog writing process.

And let’s be honest. You most likely have other responsibilities, which would make it challenging to find the time to work on your blog.

That’s where a content calendar can prove to be quite beneficial. A content calendar will help in keeping you organized and consistent.

You can include a page with the following specifics in your content calendar:

  • Blog topic ideas.
  • Suggested headlines.
  • Category.
  • Topics and subheadings you’ll be covering.
  • Keywords.
  • Your CTA or call to action.
  • First edit.

2. Curate an Outline for the Blog Post First

This step will only take you about ten to fifteen minutes.

Now, remember, you don’t need a detailed or lengthy outline.

The main purpose of an outline is to keep you focused and ensure your article is well-structured.

Create an outline by breaking your content into multiple sections, including:

  • Introduction: Here, you’ll introduce and provide little details about the topic you’ll be covering.
  • Body: Next, you have the body, including multiple sections, with each having its own primary heading. You can further divide the sections into subsections.
  • Conclusion: The last part is your conclusion. Here, you can note down a few points that you wish to include at the end of your blog post.

3. Write Your Blogs Like List Posts

Another effective way to have your blog posts written quicker while ensuring quality is by following a simple structure.

List posts are a perfect example. This post format is also quite popular with content writers and readers alike.

No matter what niche your blog is, this article format lets you write content faster. Also, when done correctly, a list post can boost a lot of traffic to your blog site.

Here’s a quick guide to help you create the best possible list post:

  • Decide which topic you want your list post to cover.
  • Research and brainstorm the key points you want your post to include.
  • Pick out five to ten points that you think are the best and make the most sense to include.
  • Make sure the points are well-organized to maintain a good flow.
  • Pen down your intro and CTA.
  • Expand on those points.

4. Write the Content with The End Goal in Mind

See, you wouldn’t be planning a vacation without the destination in mind, right? It just doesn’t make sense to do so.

Similarly, writing a blog article without focusing on the end goal doesn’t make sense.

Know what actions you want your readers to take, and then build your content with that goal in mind. Adding a simple CTA, such as inviting your readers to check related content, is a great way to start.

Your goal shouldn’t be to ensure the readers stay on your site. Instead, it should be about establishing yourself as a trusted authority within your niche.

And that can happen when your audience starts consuming more of your blog posts.

Here are a few other CTAs that you could include:

  • Connect with you for more information.
  • A link to another relevant post.
  • Watch a clip about the services you offer.
  • Subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Download additional information related to the post. It could be an excel chart or even a checklist.

5. Using a Timer During Your Research Will Help Write Blog Articles Fast

Every experienced blogger knows that research is the foundation of a quality blog post.

However, this process requires reading other content, wiki articles, and even your past blogs. And, as you can expect, it consumes a lot of time.

Using a timer during your research will prevent you from procrastinating and get on with your writing. This will also help you complete writing your blog articles much quicker.

use a timer for research

Using a timer will increase your writing speed

So, how do I start?

Set the timer for about 15-20 minutes. During this period, focus on just research and nothing else.

You can use this time window to get inspiration from other blog posts and develop new subheadings. Plus, you could also discover some facts, statistics, or quotes to include in your post.

Butthere are exceptions, especially if you’ve to write a technical or medical blog article. In such cases, it’s okay to spend a little extra time on research.

6. Make Use of the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is among the most effective time management techniques, and it improves productivity by ensuring better focus and fewer distractions.

So, how does it work? The technique involves dividing your time into multiple small intervals, with short breaks in between.

To help you understand how this technique helps, let’s use an example. Say, for instance, you need to write a 2000 words blog article. In such a case, you’ll have to:

  • Separate the time into four intervals.
  • Set forty minutes to write 500 words each. You can even use tools or even your timer for this.
  • Take a break every time you reach the one-half time.
  • The break time can be about 10-15 minutes.

During your break time, do things that’ll help you relax. It could be going for a walk, performing breathing exercises, or even stretching your body.

However, you mustn’t do anything work-related during your break. Instead, use that time for complete relaxation. Doing so will significantly improve your productivity and help you write blog articles faster.

7. Using a Template Will Boost Your Blog Writing Speed

You can also save time writing your blog posts by using a template.

Why does it work? Using a template allows you to organize your thoughts better. But, more importantly, you’ll be able to make your readers stay on your blog post longer.

A great blog template will include the following:

  • Opening Intro: Begin with a statistic/fact, a bold claim, or a story. The main purpose of your opening is to capture the readers’ attention so that they continue reading your blog.
  • Problem: Be clear about what problems you’ll be solving. It could be about saving a marriage, saving time, or delegating better.
  • Personal: Include a client’s story or personal experience or research that you have completed.
  • Expectation: Let your readers know what to expect from your blog post. Build anticipation to ensure they continue reading.
  • Solution: Things they need to change or do. You can include examples of tips that can help solve their problem.
  • Next Steps: Let them know why your solution can help them.
  • The Offer: Mention how you can further help (courses, products, services, etc.).
  • Close: End with a challenge, CTA, or a motivational message.

8. Don’t Start with The Intro and Work on it Last

The introduction of your blog post plays a vital role. It’s the first line that your readers see, and it’s what convinces them to continue reading.

Writing the introduction of your blog article last will help you write faster. Here’s why:

  • Prevent writer’s block: No matter how good of a writer you are, you’ll experience writer’s block. And this tends to happen often when you’re getting started. When you keep the intro for last and start from the middle, you can overcome this problem.
  • Saves time: When starting a new blog post, it’s easy to get lost trying to curate the perfect intro. As such, it’s more time-saving and efficient to write your main points first.
  • Understand your topic better: Once you finish writing the body of your content, you’ll understand the topic much better. This way, you’ll be able to craft an intro that fits perfectly with the rest of your content.

9. Avoid Editing as You Write

This is a step that every pro follows seriously, and it does make sense if you wish to write faster.

It’s crucial to edit your content. However, rapidly switching between your writing and editing mode will only hamper your productivity.

Editing while writing switches you from your creative state to a more detailed zone that’s all about punctuations and grammar. Doing so will only slow you down.

Edit later

Spend your time on editing only when you’re done writing the content.

If you have a habit of editing as you write, here are two tips that’ll help:

  • Don’t listen to your inner editor: It’s the voice that tells you that your work isn’t good enough or is terrible. Every writer deals with this, and if you wish to write faster, you’ll have to silence that inner voice.
  • Track your time: For this, you can apply the Pomodoro technique that we mentioned earlier. Monitoring your time will help you become more disciplined and focus only on writing.

10. Editing Tips to Finish Writing Your Blog Posts Quickly

Once you have finished your draft article, you can go ahead with the editing part.

While writing blog articles quickly, don’t forget to focus on creating a valuable blog to your readers.

Remember, a blog post needs to be reader-friendly for your audience.

And how do I do that?

The following editing formulas will help you finish writing your blog posts faster. Plus, they’ll make your content more engaging for your readers.

  • Use tools like Grammarly. Doing this will help you correct half of your errors in minutes.
  • Chop long sentences and make sure the sentences are short.
  • If your content has big paragraphs, break them into smaller ones.
  • Use cliffhangers like “Before we begin..” or “So, how do we make it work?.”
  • Use numbered lists or bullet points for tips and advice.
  • Hire a professional editor, like the editors at ServiceScape, to review your final draft. A fresh perspective can catch mistakes you might have missed and significantly improve the overall quality of your blog post.

11. Focus on your Headlines Last

Now that you’re done with writing and editing, you can focus on the headline and pictures.

Using a captivating headline is very important as it can convince potential readers to check your blog post.

However, if you have limited time or need to write your blog faster, it’s best to focus on the headlines last.

Why is that, you ask? That’s because simply coming up with a catchy headline isn’t everything. It’s also important to make sure the headline you use is related or similar to popular searches. And figuring all that could slow you down.

You can rely on Google’s Auto Suggest to find inspiration for a catchy headline that’s also popular on searches.

If you wish to include images, avoid spending time looking for them at the beginning. Save it for last. Fortunately, you’ll find several sources that offer free images.

12. Don’t Think About Being Perfect

Remember that your goal isn’t to offer a perfect blog post. Instead, it’s to provide content that’s helpful to your audience.

Besides, you aren’t writing literate. So, you needn’t worry about offering the perfect blog article. However, if making blogging mistakes by novice bloggers is somehow acceptable, this doesn’t mean you can have spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and typos in your content.

So, instead, focus on:

  • Offering value or relevant solutions.
  • Avoiding bad grammar, spelling errors, and silly mistakes.
  • Crafting a reader-friendly blog post with short paragraphs and bullet points.

13. Organizing your notes and research will help you write blog articles faster.

The best blog articles tend to cite scientific studies, have links to other content or evidence to support the writer’s claims.

Butit takes time to find information. So, it’s important to keep your notes, ideas, and research organized as it’ll save you time.

You can use tools like Evernote to save the necessary sources for reference when writing your blog post. You can organize them as:

  • Scientific papers.
  • Blog posts.
  • Quotes.
  • Articles.

Using a tool or having a system in place for your ideas, research, or notes will help you access them easily when required.

As such, you’ll be able to write faster by focusing more on writing and less on researching.

14. Boost your productivity with the right tools

Using the right tools makes it much easier for you to craft blog posts faster and effectively.

Fortunately, you’ll find several blogging tools to boost your writing speed. Here are some helpful recommendations:

Besides these, you can find other useful blogging tools that’ll help you produce quality blog posts faster.

We also live in an era where tools like ChatGPT from OpenAI are becoming a viable option for content creation. This is one of the top artificial intelligence APIs for developers, and is an immensely powerful solution for writers to take advantage of as well. Improvements to its natural language processing potential are being made regularly. With the right prompts and a modest amount of editing, you can turbocharge your blog post writing, without making sacrifices in terms of quality.

15. Find Topics That Interests You and Write on Them

Another best way to write your blog posts faster is by writing on topics that interest you more.

Typically, the reason why most struggle with writer’s block is because they choose topics that aren’t interesting to them. This further slows you down.

As such, try to write mostly on topics that you favor.

write on your favorite topics

Write about your favorite topics

But, of course, you won’t be at liberty of choosing your own topics when working for a company.

What do you do then?

In such instances, the best you can do is read a lot of content related to the topics you’re given. Doing so will help you better understand what you’re working on. This, in turn, will also speed up the blog writing process.

16. Practice writing with the freewriting method

If you wish to improve your blog writing speed, you’ll have to write a lot. After all, practice makes perfect. So, make a habit of writing at least 500 words daily.

Why does this tactic work? It’s simple. Consistency is the key!

You can try freewriting, which is a popular writing practice used by many bloggers. Here are some reasons why this technique is famous:

  • It involves writing on anything for a specific period.
  • It helps your emotions and thoughts flow freely while writing.
  • It doesn’t consider proper research, outline, grammar, or anything else.

17. Don’t use your blog editor initially

When you start writing the blog post, use a text editor like MS Word or Google doc.

Avoid writing directly in the main blog editor.

For instance, if you’re using WordPress, don’t start writing in the blog editor directly.


The reason for this is because the WordPress editor has several features available on its sidebar, which will cause distractions.

So, it’s advisable to write in any document writing tool first and then transfer it to the main editor.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Write your initial draft locally.
  • Once drafted, upload it to your main editor.
  • You can then easily make the necessary changes and edits.

18. Write as much as needed

Another best way to write your blog posts faster is to avoid making your posts too short or too long.

Of course, the length of your blog article will vary based on your audience and the topic.

That said, we suggest word count of about 1500 to 2000 words for posts and articles.

A study found that posts with over 2000 words do well on SERPs. However, you should avoid producing lengthy content just to rank better on search engines.

Remember that even short posts perform well as long as the content offers value to your readers. This means writing as much as needed.

If you feel that you can provide the necessary information in a brief blog post, do so. This way, you’ll avoid wasting time endlessly writing.

Needless to say, avoid making your blog posts length lesser than 800 words.

19. Batch similar tasks together to write blog articles faster

Another excellent technique to save time when writing blog content fast is to group similar tasks together.

Here’s how you can use this productivity hack to write fast:

  • Before using this technique, you need to have some blog post ideas.
  • Pick several ideas for a month.
  • Once you select the topics or ideas, you wish to write on, start researching for SEO. This way, you’ll be researching for all the selected blog ideas at once.
  • Next, focus on creating the outline for each blog and work on them at once.

You can then move on to the next steps of blog writing and group the similar tasks together.

20. Try to avoid distractions

If you have so many distractions around you, it’ll be challenging to write your blog content faster.

Stay focused

As such, try to eliminate all distractions when trying to write blogs faster. The following tips can help:

  • Identify your distractions: It could be your technological (social media, Twitter, or finding the right playlist), family distractions, or even pets. Whatever your distractions are, list them down.
  • Turn off your notifications: This is probably the most common distraction that prevents most bloggers from writing fast. So, turn them off.
  • Don’t focus on multiple tasks at once: Again, the principles of the batching technique will be helpful for this.

21. Set writingchallenges

Writing challenges are also a great way to improve your blog writing speed.

Can you complete a 1000 words article in an hour? If not, how about 500?

You can start with an easily accomplishable goal like 50 words a day if you’re a first-time writer.

But if you’re an experienced writer, setting a minute or hourly-based writing challenge will significantly benefit you.

22. Speed up your typing speed

Another way to write blog articles fast is by increasing your typing speed. You should be able to type a minimum of 60 WPM (words per minute).

So, how do you achieve that?

Practice writing regularly. By keeping a habit of writing regularly, your typing speed will improve significantly.

It’ll also help to take some typing speed tests. You can go to sites like Key Hero for a quick test.

23. Outsourcing can also help you produce blog posts fast

If you have some extra money to invest, this final tip is for you. Outsourcing your task will ensure faster results, especially if you have a lot of blog posts to write.

If you aren’t comfortable with someone else writing the content, you can outsource for different tasks like:

  • Formatting your blog post: There are several freelancing platforms where you can hire someone for an affordable rate to get this done.
  • Reviewing your work: You can also get your work reviewed by someone else as it can save you time. About 54% of bloggers have editors to review their work.

So, that’s all you need to know on how to write a blog post fast. While you may find more tips, just following these strategies will help you churn out quality blog content faster.

Have you tried any of the writing techniques before? If you’d like to suggest your tips, let us know in the comments section below.