Shopify is great for easily setting up an online store but has some restrictions. Some Shopify apps for free do not let you do some things you might want without extra apps.

If you want cool features like customizing how your products look on the homepage or accepting payments other than credit cards, you'll need to add apps.

This can be tricky if you're just starting a small Shopify store and don't have a big budget yet. Coming up with the cash to buy different apps isn't easy when you're new.

But don't worry, we've also found best free Shopify apps that can help your store without costing anything extra.

How We Selected the Best Free Shopify Apps 📱

There are so many ways you can boost the performance of the online store. But you should know what exactly to consider when picking the app. Here are the points we personally found the most important to consider:

  • Boost Sales: We looked for best free Shopify apps that can directly help increase your sales, like ones for payments, promotions, discounts, emails, etc. Apps that get customers buying are most important.
  • Improve Customer Experience: We picked Shopify apps for free that make shopping on your site easier and more enjoyable for customers too. Things like filters, reviews, and recommendations.
  • Analytics and Reports: Analytics apps can help you understand what's working and what's not. We picked ones that provide important stats to guide your decisions.
  • SEO and Traffic: We looked up for Shopify apps for free that may boost how well your site shows up online, like SEO optimizers or social sharing tools, because they can help more people find your store.
  • Store Organization: We also found store organization apps. Help customers find what they need with apps for sorting products, categories, search features or list-building tools.

Why Trust Our Recommendations

  • We've been looking at Shopify apps for over a year to learn about the good ones.
  • Past lists helped many stores improve with free app suggestions.
  • Our list only includes apps that were favorites before that didn't cost money.
  • We always look for new free apps that are added.
  • Only apps that are really useful without spending are on our lists.
  • The apps can help with sales, more visitors, getting work done faster, and more.
  • Stores say our past free app picks really helped their shops do better.
  • We try the apps ourselves to make sure they work well.

Best Free Shopify Apps 💻

1. Avada Trust Badges, Pop‑Up

Avada Trust Badges Shopify App

Avada Trust Badges, Pop‑Up

The Avada Trust Badges is one of the best free Shopify apps, that uses pop-up notifications to increase trust and urgency for Shopify stores. It displays real-time badges and countdown timers to persuade customers before deals expire. Simple to install and free to use, the app has been proven to boost online sales.

Key Features:

  • Generate urgency with multiple customizable countdowns displayed across site pages.
  • Show social proof through various eye-catching trust badges highlighting your store's credibility.
  • Turn window shoppers into buyers by highlighting real purchases made right on the homepage and elsewhere.
  • Entice more carts with prominent reminders of free shipping perks motivating orders.
  • Provide convenient customer support through built-in live chat linking to common channels like Messenger and WhatsApp.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • You can have a little trouble getting it styled correctly.
  • Instructions for set up are not as straightforward as they could be.
  • Some glitches sometimes sticky ATC and other functions stop working.

Shopify Rating: 5.0 ⭐

Pricing: Free

2. Qikify Cart Upsell, Cross Sell

qikify Cart Upsell, Cross Sell Shopify App

qikify Cart Upsell, Cross Sell

The Qikify is considered as one of the best free Shopify apps. It helps Shopify sellers sell more per order. It allows easy addition of enticing upsells and bundles during checkout. Custom templates let you promote related products or deals. More items in carts means higher revenue. The seamless integration means customers see offers that are hard to resist. Do not lose time and get acquainted with one of the best free apps for Shopify.

Key Features:

  • Speedily configure upsell, cross-sell promotions, and discounts within product pages, carts, and more with a few simple clicks.
  • Motivate bigger basket sizes through enticing purchase combos like product bundles, buy-one-get-one offers, and volume discounts.
  • Encourage increased spending with cart progress bars and rewards that incentivize customers to keep adding more.
  • Boost average order values by strategically showcasing related product recommendations within the shopping cart view.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • There is no checkout page.
  • Some users might find the pricing plans slightly steep for smaller businesses.
  • There is no function to add the Upsell items on the cart view.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐

Pricing: Free

3. 🥇 Our Pick - Pop Convert ‑ Pop Ups, Banners

Pop Convert ‑ Pop Ups, Banners Shopify App

Pop Convert ‑ Pop Ups, Banners

Pop Convert is surely one of the best free Shopify apps. It makes boosting engagement easy through polished popups, banners, and smart bars. Guide more traffic and grow your subscriber base without extra effort. Customizable campaigns drive eyes to targeted store areas. Take a look at one of the best free apps for Shopify.

Key Features:

  • Always keep your store visitors in the know with noticeable bars delivering pertinent info.
  • Generate leads and buzz with captivating popups for promotions, coupons, or quick messages.
  • Spread the word about discounts, and announcements or drive traffic to targeted content.
  • Fully customize the look and feel of all marketing elements for maximum brand flair.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • It lacks a feature to embed a shortcode/button to activate popover anywhere on the site.
  • The user interface is very friendly, however, it doesn't allow to select a specific customer segment to be shown in the pop-ups.
  • It takes time to integrate and even though you select that the delivery is made with each session, it does not always appear.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐

Pricing: Free

Why is Pop Convert Our Top Pick?

We recommend Pop Convert as the best popup builder for marketers as it offers an easy to use drag-and-drop interface alongside powerful features to strategically craft and track engaging popups. Businesses can quickly test different designs and messages to see what most persuades visitors to convert. Wide compatibility also allows capturing leads across all digital channels. With its extensive template library, analytics and affordable pricing, Pop Convert gives users an effective yet simple solution to boost results through optimized popup experiences.

4. PageFly Landing Page Builder

PageFly Landing Page Builder Shopify app

PageFly Landing Page Builder

This is one of the best free Shopify apps that lets you easily make custom pages for your Shopify store without any coding. It has a drag-and-drop builder so you can design pages however you want them to look and work. Check on one of the best free apps for Shopify

Key Features:

  • Get started in a snap with pre-designed templates for every type of content page.
  • Craft optimized pages without incurring store page load time penalties.
  • Shape Lead-generating pages perfectly with a smooth drag-and-drop interface.
  • Pages display flawlessly on any device thanks to individual screen customization.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Paid plans needed for advanced features: The free version only allows one page/section, so you'd need a paid plan for multiple pages/sections on your site.
  • Compatibility issues possible: Being code-free means it could conflict design-wise with some Shopify themes down the line after upgrades.
  • The ''undo'' button doesn't work properly in this Shopify free app.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐

Pricing: Free

  • Free plan
  • Pay-as-you-go plan: $24/month
  • Unlimited plan: $99/month

5. Shopify Inbox

Shopify Inbox Shopify App

Shopify Inbox

The Shopify Inbox is known as one of the best free Shopify apps. It enables live chat with customers as they browse stores. Merchants see browsing history to easily assist shoppers. Automated messages speed up support while personalized recommendations increase cart sizes. Quality service leads to stronger sales and brands. It's a seamless way to interact with customers. Be sure you check one of the best free apps for Shopify.

Key Features:

  • Turn on live chat and monitor results seamlessly from your Shopify dashboard.
  • Manage dialogs across the online store and mobile through a connected workflow.
  • Suggest tailored products, images, and discounts without leaving the conversation.
  • Save time for all with self-service greetings, lead capture, and FAQ bots.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Initiate ticket via email. If your customers email you for support, you can't use Shopify Inbox. All tickets must be initiated in chat first.
  • Shopify Inbox recently lost the ability to connect to social media messengers like Instagram and Facebook, as well as Apple's iMessage.
  • It requests a visitor's name and email before talking with them first which greatly reduces the number of people that can contact you.

Shopify Rating: 4.5 ⭐

Pricing: Free

6. Nova: EU Cookie Bar GDPR

Nova: EU Cookie Bar GDPR Shopify App

Nova: EU Cookie Bar GDPR

One of the best free Shopify apps provides a cookie consent solution for GDPR compliance. Merchants can display an attractive banner to notify website visitors. Setup is quick in Shopify admin. Users simply accept your policy with a click. It's an effortless way to address EU privacy laws.

Give a chance to one of the best free apps for Shopify.

Key Features:

  • Show a cookie bar or GDPR consent banner and link to your privacy policy. This allows you to inform visitors about your cookie usage and link to your privacy terms.
  • Customize the banner settings and text using our simple code-free style editor. This lets you easily tweak things like header text, color schemes, and button labels.
  • Customize the cookie bar design and colors to match your theme and brand. This ensures your consent notice seamlessly blends with the rest of your site design.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • There is no "CANCEL" button to avoid the cookies saved on the computer in this Shopify free app.
  • Very easy to install and set up, but doesn't give the option of changing where the banner appears on the page.
  • The switch to ''turn off'' for non-EU users does not work.

Shopify Rating: 4.5 ⭐

Pricing: Free

Best Free Shopify Apps: Free Plan Available

1. Willdesk‑Live Chat, Helpdesk

Willdesk‑Live Chat, Helpdesk Shopify App

Willdesk‑Live Chat, Helpdesk

Are you ready to get to know one of the best free Shopify apps?

Willdesk simplifies customer service with live chat, help center, tracking, and more integrations in one app. Respond to customers easily from any device. Improve support while boosting profits. Their team is there 24/7 to help you too. One solution to revolutionize your customer service.

Key Features:

  • Provide a branded self-service widget that can be integrated with order tracking, frequently asked questions pages, and contact forms. This allows customers to find answers to common questions quickly through a customized portal.
  • Increase sales by adding live chat capabilities and boost efficiency with preset help center articles and FAQs. Live chat and thorough help content means fewer unresolved customer issues that could discourage purchases.
  • Manage support tickets from multiple social media channels and email inquiries all in one centralized platform. Having all communications consolidated in one place streamlines resolving customer problems.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Sometimes it has a non-intuitive user interface or can be cumbersome to navigate, making it difficult for store owners or their support teams to handle customer queries effectively.
  • Sometimes can be slow, crash, or have unexpected bugs that hinder the support process.
  • There might be limitations in how much you can customize the chat interface to match your store's branding.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐

Pricing: Free

2. 🥇 Our Pick - Sales Pop Up Conversion Pro

Sales Pop up Conversion Pro Shopify App

Sales Pop up Conversion Pro

Spark more sales from the first browse with Sales Popup Conversion Pro. Use tools like recent order notifications and quick product previews to build interest and trust. Also, create urgency with limited quantity timers and reduce barriers with an always-accessible cart. This full toolkit optimizes your site for effortless conversions.

Key Features:

  • Using countdown timers on product pages gently builds urgency and can speed up the purchasing process. Deadlines tend to prompt faster decisions from site visitors.
  • Quick product previews that showcase social proof like customer ratings and photos help build credibility and trust. Third party validation can be reassuring for buyers.
  • Alerting visitors when stock is low or limited signals scarcity which nudges that inherent instinct in consumers to make a purchase rather than risk missing out. Strategic messaging about restricted supply draws browsers into action.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • The updates never really take effect.
  • If you have your settings to only show notifications for the past 7 days, it will ignore that option and show super old notifications.
  • If you have old products that you are no longer selling and disable notifications for those it will still show them.

Shopify Rating: 4.8 ⭐

Pricing: $4.99/month

Why is Sales Pop up Conversion Pro Our Top Pick?

We recommend Sales Pop Up Conversion Pro as the best solution for marketers looking to create high-converting popups efficiently. It offers an extensive library of professionally-designed templates that can be easily customized. Dynamic triggers and analytics help test different messages to engage visitors. Mobile responsiveness combined with robust features allow full control to match any brand. With its proven results and dedicated support, Sales Pop Up Conversion Pro gives users a powerful yet simple popup builder that can boost engagement and optimize campaigns.

3. Monster Cart Upsell+Free Gifts

Monster Cart Upsell+Free Gifts Shopify App

Monster Cart Upsell+Free Gifts

Grow your average cart size using one of the best Shopify apps, Monster Cart Upsell. Customize your cart with progress bars, gifts and bundles to convince customers to buy more. Automated upsells boost sales without disrupting checkout. Subtle promotions maximize every order for monstrous results.

Key Features:

  • Customize the slide-out cart to seamlessly match your brand's look and feel. Keeping a consistent aesthetic across all touchpoints enhances customer experience and trust in your business.
  • Add progress bars that reward buyers for adding more to their cart with free gifts, discounts or free delivery. Incentivizing larger baskets through perceived deals encourages higher cart values.
  • Upsell related warranties, expedited processing or protection plans with each additional item added. Cross-selling profitable extras when customers are already engagement generates extra revenue.
  • Offer volume discounts the more customers add to their cart. People love a good bargain, so tiered discounts reward those helping you out with bigger orders.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • The upsell and free gift offerings may come across as too pushy or salesy for some customers' liking.
  • Adding upgrades, additions or free gifts to orders can drive up the total costs for customers compared to simpler checkout processes.
  • Combining upsells, add-ons and free gifts into the checkout process can make it more confusing and complex for customers trying to just purchase a product or service.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐


  • Tier 1: $12.99/month
  • Tier 2: $21.99/month
  • Tier 3: $36.99/month

4. Nabu Tracking for Google Ads

Nabu Tracking for Google Ads Shopify App

Nabu Tracking for Google Ads

Nabu's one-click app installs Google Ads conversion pixels with no errors. It automatically updates the tracking code, saving you maintenance headaches. Let Nabu simplify tracking so you can focus on boosting your business, not troubleshooting codes.

Key Features:

  • Fix issues like duplicate or missing order values to get an accurate picture of sales performance. Precise data is key for optimizing campaigns and understanding true conversion rates.
  • Enhance conversion tracking by sending critical shopping details like products in a privacy-friendly way. Ensuring analytics comply with regulations lets you access important customer insights.
  • Track additional sales from cross-sells, upsells and shipping/tax fees to get the full monetary value attached to each visit. Understanding total order revenue is vital for knowing real ROI.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Strange metrics won't allow a proper review.
  • The tracking is reliant on Google Ads analytics. Any issues with Google could impact tracking through Nabu as well.
  • There may be some learning involved to understand how to properly set up and use the tracking features in Nabu to get accurate data from Google Ads campaigns. It's not as simple as using default tracking.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐

Pricing: $19.99/month

5. WebRex Multi Announcement Bar

WebRex Multi Announcement Bar Shopify App

WebRex Multi Announcement Bar

WebRex lets you customize banners to drive more sales. Add rotating offers and countdowns with several slick animation styles. No coding required with their user-friendly editor. Plus expert support is always available to help boost your marketing messages.

Key Features:

  • Show announcement bars for multiple messages like free shipping or countdowns. Keeping customers updated is key, so being able to mix bar types maximizes visibility.
  • Place bars at the top, bottom or even sticky sections based on what drives the most engagement. Testing different spots helps you find the prime real estate.
  • Design unlimited customized announcement slides with over 20 animation options to keep it fresh and rotating. Variety raises chances customers will actually notice your updates.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Having multiple announcements displayed at the top of the site can be visually distracting and cluttered for users.
  • The location and branding of the announcement bar may not be customizable to fully match a site's design.
  • The multi-bar seems more focused on functionality than design, so it may not integrate seamlessly on all types of sites from an aesthetic perspective.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐


  • Premium: $4.99/month
  • Yearly: $3.50/month

6. Gift Box | Free Gift Motivator

Gift Box | Free Gift Motivator Shopify App

Gift Box | Free Gift Motivator

Give your shoppers rewards that keep them loyal with Gift Box. Quickly set up gift incentives for purchases to increase sales and customer value. Enjoy a free 7-day trial of their easy app that sends tailored messages. Small gifts go a long way in growing your business.

Key Features:

  • Encourage customers to fill their carts even more by tossing in complimentary products.
  • Tailor your giveaways like free stuff for spending $50 in clothes or adding that new widget to the cart. Flexible rules let you target how and when to trigger gifts.
  • Any freebies are automatically included with purchases for a seamless experience. Customers don't need to do anything extra to collect them.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • It cannot work if you have a loyalty program with your site and is limited by Shopify in terms of other discount integrations.
  • It only fails sometimes when doesn't add gift in some orders․
  • Express checkout users would not get gift on the basic plan.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐


  • Basic Shopify: $29.99/month
  • Standard Shopify: $39.99/month
  • Shopify Plus: $99.99/month

7. Ctx: WhatsApp Chat & Abandoned

Ctx: WhatsApp Chat & Abandoned Shopify App

Ctx: WhatsApp Chat & Abandoned

Ctx keeps customers loyal with 24/7 WhatsApp support. Automated messages rescue abandoned carts. Customize and send notifications without coding. Sit back as Ctx works to boost sales and foster relationships without effort.

Key Features:

  • All-in-one WhatsApp button allows customers to chat, check order status, find answers to common questions, or reach out directly from any page. One-tap access to support streamlines the experience.
  • Automated order follow-up notifications on WhatsApp help retrieve lost sales from abandoned carts. And with your own phone number, you can provide support whenever works best for you.
  • Confirm shipment details, check COD collections, verify delivery, and even request reviews - all within WhatsApp for a totally contactless purchase completion. Frictionless experiences build brand loyalty.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Businesses need to have WhatsApp set up for their business profile to use this tool, adding an extra step for setup.
  • Reaching customers is limited to those who use WhatsApp. It doesn't support multi-channel outreach.
  • Some customers may be wary of unsolicited WhatsApp messages from businesses regarding abandoned carts due to privacy preferences.

Shopify Rating: 4.8 ⭐


  • Advanced: $7.99/month
  • Premium: $14.99/month

8. iCart Cart Drawer Cart Upsell

iCart Cart Drawer Cart Upsell Shopify App

iCart Cart Drawer Cart Upsell

iCart provides effective upsell and cross-sell options directly in carts. Quickly set up bundles, recommendations and discounts to entice customers to spend more before checkout. Easy-to-use tools help convert carts into bigger sales. Don't miss the chance to boost your revenue with iCart's cart marketing tools.

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-drop cart builder allows you to fully customize the slide-out cart drawer and cart page layout. Having a polished checkout process enhances the user experience.
  • Strategically suggest additional products during shopping without being pushy. Thoughtful complementary offers at natural pause points gently boost revenue.
  • Trigger cross-sells and upsells using smart criteria like location data, purchase date ranges, product tags or pages visited. Contextual relevance increases sales consideration.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • You can't change the font in the drawer cart.
  • Not possible to remove the field where you enter the discount codes in the drawer cart.
  • It also doesn't work with Prestige theme.

Shopify Rating: 4.8 ⭐


  • Shopify Basic Plan: $9.99/month
  • Shopify Plan: $19.99/month
  • Shopify Advanced: $39.99/month

9. Monk Free Gift with Purchase

Monk Free Gift with Purchase Shopify App

Monk Free Gift with Purchase

Monk boosts sales and ROI through targeted offers shop-wide. Flexibly display gifts and reminders to motivate buyers. Merchants can refine popups and eligibility with robust tools. Our simple goal is helping your store increase revenue with effective promotional messages.

Key Features:

  • Combine cart offers and progress bars to gamify spending more. Seeing your total edge closer to bonuses and rewards keeps customers engaged.
  • Incentivize buying certain products or quantities with gift add-ons based on pre-defined rules. Strategic freebies motivate targeted purchases.
  • Set up complementary offers, bundles and cross-sells at every stage - from first click to final purchase. A thoughtful sequence gently persuades incremental spending.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • The app suffers from inability to BOGOF.
  • It has no ability to include a free item into a bundle.
  • Also it is not able to discount more if customers buy more.

Shopify Rating: 4.8 ⭐

Pricing: $1/month

Best Free Shopify Apps: Free Trial

1. Shipping Rates Calculator Plus

Shipping Rates Calculator Plus Shopify App

Shipping Rates Calculator Plus

And now let's explore one of the best Shopify shipping apps.

Shipping Rates Calculator Plus takes the surprise out of checkout with real-time shipping quotes. The app detects customers' locations to display accurate domestic and international delivery costs and dates directly in carts. Eliminate abandonment and build trust with transparent, upfront shipping prices.

Key Features:

  • Build trust and confidence by showing customers shipping costs upfront in the cart. Transparency instills fairness and reassures people of what to expect at checkout.
  • Leverage real-time location data and carrier APIs to auto-populate realistic delivery dates and rates. Consumers appreciate accuracy that removes uncertainty from the purchase process.
  • Reducing surprise charges by previewing true postage expenses means fewer shoppers will abandon what's in their carts. It's a small tweak that can yield bigger baskets.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • You can add your own code to some up with something similar, but anytime a product is added, the customer would have to enter their zip code again.
  • There is no live chat option and no phone, so you have to hope they email you back in a timely manner.
  • Rates can be inaccurate if carriers change their APIs or pricing structures.

Shopify Rating: 5.0 ⭐

Pricing: $9.99/month

2. 🥇 Our Pick - BOGOS: Free gift & Buy X Get Y

BOGOS: Free gift & Buy X Get Y Shopify App

BOGOS: Free Gift & Buy X Get Y

Level up your carts and conversion rates with BOGOS: Free gift & Buy X Get Y. This intuitive app allows easy setup of all kinds of popular promotional offers to motivate more purchases. Configure gifting deals with full control and watch profits increase.

Key Features:

  • Create an easy-to-achieve offer like a gift for hitting $200 in total cart value. Rewarding higher spending is a win-win.
  • Incentivize buying a specific product A by tossing in another item B automatically. Bundling items strengthens customer value.
  • Buy one, get the second at no extra cost is a simple way shoppers love, especially on repeat essentials. Generous pairings build loyalty.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • It functions well, although there could be better controls to customize the look without using custom css.
  • Would be lovely to have the ability to run promos for buy X get Y for specific dollar value.
  • The app originally doesn't have the multilingual option but the app support can manage to find a way with our translation app.

Shopify Rating: 4.8 ⭐


  • Basic: $29.99/month
  • Professional: $49.99/month
  • Unlimited: $69.99/month
  • Plus: $99.99/month

Why is BOGOS Our Top Pick?

We recommend BOGOS as the top buy-one-get-one offer management tool. While BOGO promotions can drive significant gains, executing them effectively across catalogs is challenging without the right solution. BOGOS solves this through an intuitive interface to easily set up automated BOGO rules. Dynamic coupons then seamlessly integrate these offers into checkout. Merchants also gain analytics and controls to optimize campaigns. With its proven sales results, BOGOS delivers a simple way for ecommerce stores to profitably increase spending through buy-one-get-one incentives.

3. BOGO+ | Easy Free Gift Upsell

BOGO+ | Easy Free Gift Upsell Shopify App

BOGO+ | Easy Free Gift Upsell

BOGO+ maximizes cart value through simple free gift promotions. Choose from buy one get one deals or volume discounts easily created in the app. Drive new sales quickly by optimizing offers with robust tools and dedicated support.

Key Features:

  • Deals like buy 2 get 10% off the whole lot or buy 3 save 20% on everything motivates stocking up. Savings encourage quantity.
  • Flexible popups like countdowns, banners and badges launch, edit and track promotions with ease. Testing is painless.
  • Early adopters saw 1200 extra orders generating significant profit within the first week alone. Impactful features can take offselling to new heights.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Mobile pop up could be better: hard to scroll down when you have multiple choices.
  • Sometimes it does not work properly with discount codes.
  • By combining buy-one-get-one offers with other free gifts, it can make the promotion complicated for customers to understand all the details at checkout. Keeping offers simple reduces confusion.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐


  • Basic: $9.85/mont
  • Professional: $19.85/month
  • Advanced: $34.85/month

4. EG Auto Add to Cart Free Gift

EG Auto Add to Cart Free Gift Shopify App

EG Auto Add to Cart Free Gift

EG Auto Add to Cart Free Gift makes free gift upsells effortless. Build custom promotion rules to automatically bundle freebies and BOGO deals based on cart contents. Trigger the perfect offer at just the right time to maximize every sale.

Key Features:

  • Target free gift rules to individual buyers using their unique traits like location or past purchase habits. Personalized perks increase perceived value and trust.
  • Trigger gifts upon purchasing certain products or collections using intuitive if-then rules. Incentivizing specific purchases maximizes intended sales.
  • Suggest complimentary add-ons throughout the ordering flow. Gentle cross-promotion converts browsers into buyers with ease.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Texts cannot be translated into other languages.
  • It does not provide some performance insights or basic analysis.
  • There is only the possibility to contact the customer service by email and it takes time to find the solution.

Shopify Rating: 4.9 ⭐


  • Standard: $5.99/month
  • Unlimited: $14.99/month

5. Ship: Free Shipping Calculator

Ship: Free Shipping Calculator Shopify App

Ship: Free Shipping Calculator

Tired of average cart sizes? Ship: Free Shipping Calculator puts free delivery within easy reach. Just set your shipping rates and a box appears showing customers what they need to buy to qualify. As items are added, they update in real-time. Watch cart sizes grow as shoppers add more to reach the free shipping threshold. Configuring free delivery has never been simpler!

Key Features:

  • Place the free shipping calculator anywhere that makes the most sense for your store flow. Flexible placement puts perks in prime view.
  • Compatible with any theme or device type - whether desktop, mobile or upcoming design updates. Universal compatibility just works.
  • Full customization powers to shape calculator style, copy, discounts and more. Tailoring builds perfect fit with your brand identity.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Shipping rates are dependent on carriers and outside factors, so calculated rates may become outdated or inaccurate over time.
  • There's a limited ability to fully customize the look and features of the calculator to match a brand's needs and site design.
  • Additional fees from carriers for real-time rate queries are possible over time, increasing business operating expenses.

Shopify Rating: 4.8 ⭐


  • Basic: $3.99/month
  • Professional: $5.99/month

6. Sales Motivator ‑ Free Gifts

Sales Motivator ‑ Free Gifts Shopify App

Sales Motivator ‑ Free Gifts

Sales Motivator - Free Gifts makes it effortless to offer bonuses that motivate more spending. Flexible design Gift with Purchase programs with our intuitive app and watch revenue rise as customers are gifted into buying more.

Key Features:

  • Trigger complimentary gifts for selected items to pair with impulse purchases. Strategic bundles create added value.
  • Offer gifts for full collections or vendor brands to spotlight assortments. Themed promotional bundles strengthen discovery.
  • Set flexible conditions like spending on select items to receive extra goodies. Complex rules craft tailored sales milestones.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • Couple issues with the dates of my promotions not saving or changing dates when I hit save.
  • Adding free gifts can increase product/shipping costs for the business and cut into margins.
  • Including multiple upsells, add-ons and free gifts can make the shopping experience overwhelming for customers trying to make a simple purchase. Keeping promotions clear and focused is ideal.

Shopify Rating: 4.7 ⭐


  • Basic Plan: $14.99/month
  • Pro Version Plan: $29.99/month

7. Bold Sales Motivator

Sales Motivator ‑ Free Gifts Shopify App

Sales Motivator ‑ Free Gifts

Bold Sales Motivator makes it effortless to launch promotional campaigns that ignite excitement and urgency. Real-time tracking and location awareness help customers feel motivated to keep spending.

Key Features:

  • Ignite sales and increase order values using vibrant, engaging promotional popups tailored to your brand. Interactive campaigns capture attention.
  • Give customers real-time spending progress bars and chat buttons to gamify larger baskets. Tactics create a sense of urgency around thresholds.
  • Tell shoppers exactly what's left until savings are unlocked when adding items. Transparency assures stress-free bonus achievement.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • There is no option to turn off checkout discount codes for the product you are applying quantity discount to.
  • There is no enough flexibility to exclude/include certain products, collections from the set goals.
  • It is not able to differentiate between desktop and mobile sites.

Shopify Rating: 4.7 ⭐


  • Basic: $9.99/month
  • Full: $14.99/month

8. Tapcart ‑ Mobile App Builder

Tapcart ‑ Mobile App Builder Shopify App

Tapcart ‑ Mobile App Builder

Tapcart makes building fully-sync mobile apps from your Shopify store a breeze. Drive higher conversion rates through push notifications and an experience tailored for on-the-go customers. No coding skills needed with their onboarding assistance.

Key Features:

  • Launch custom iOS and Android applications promptly using our rapid development tools. Going native expands your audience reach.
  • Unlimited free push alerts let you instantly share sales, new collections or other timely updates. Cost-free communication strengthens customer connections.
  • Offer the seamless mobile shopping experience shoppers love for smooth browsing and checkout anywhere, anytime. Apps reduce friction on-the-go.

Flows, Not Dealbreakers:

  • You can't add links to the photo or video assets unless the products are active in your Shopify store.
  • When creating your push notification, you can't edit: if you spell something wrong or want a team member to review the copy before sending, you should start over if changes are needed.
  • The customer has to add payment every time they checkout even though they are signed into their account.

Shopify Rating: 4.7 ⭐


  • Tapcart Core: $200/month
  • Tapcart Ultimate: $400/month
  • Tapcart Enterprise: $1,000/month
  • + Developer Tools: $1,500/month


As we all see, online stores can use Shopify free apps to help sales and customers.

Shopify free apps make pop-ups, banners and offers easy to add. Stores pick apps for shipping, payments, promotions and deals that fit best without cost. Free apps remove obstacles for tactics proven to boost sales.

Like pop-ups, buy-one offers increase conversions. Stores explore different free options that add extras. Apps have tools to learn what works best over time. This allows stores to make improvements without spending money.

In summary, best free Shopify apps give online sellers useful ways to help their business at no cost.